tiddles.co.uk - tim's badly drawn cat website


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back when i updated this site frequently, i used to run monthly competitions. they're all archived here. some of them are quite good.

old contests


medical cats!


secretly everyone actually likes trips to the doctors or hospital. the guilty pleasures of the nhs waiting room; the joy of a vacination; the thrills of a rountine check up. cats, of course, are no exception. so send in your pictures of your medical moggies!



chistmas cats!


hurrah! it's the season of drinking too much and for receiving knitted egg warmers from granny! so get out the christmas crayons and submit your festive cats! pass the port!



let slip the cats of war!


nature is red in tooth and nail; and as we all know from treading in gory mouse entrails in our bare feet, cats are no exception to this rule. so why not get out the crayons, a scrap of paper and let slip the cats of war!




cats in space!


in 1969 man walked on the moon - a giant leap for mankind, etc., etc. but what about a giant leap for catkind? what would it be like? send your artist's impressions (some of you can at least do an impressions of artists...) to the usual address!



sporty cats!


cats spend most of their time asleep and are generally fat and lazy. but some are sporty - mainly the ones that catch mice and leave them for you to find in your slippers. so why not send your sporty cat sketches to the usual address?



cats in film!


heeeeeeeere's kitty! it's a well known fact that cats have always been centre stage in films - probably - so why not draw submit a casablanca cat; a matrix mouser; a kill bill kitty; or a terminator tabby? go on – I dare ya – make me an offer i can't refuse!



historical cats!


since the earliest dawn of time man (and woman) has lived in symbiotic - if symbiotic is the word i'm looking for - relationship with the cat. so why not have a go at drawing a cat through the ages? elizabethan-cat? cave-cat? samuri cat? or roman cat?



valentine's cats!


ahh, love! we've all been there - rejected; unreturned; unanswered; unrequited love. yay!

expel the resentment that constantly eats away at the blackened shard of flint that is the remains of your heart with this month's whimsical cat competition!



musical cats!


everyone likes music, and cats are no exception; so send me your pictures of cats with claranets, maracas, hapsicords and whatever-else...


christmas cats!


'tis the season of goodwill and that jazz, so i'm having a competition for the best christmas cat picture. the lucky winner will be sent the original christmas artwork for the site! woo!


mobile cats


it's blatant padding, but pfft, page 30 has lots of pictures drawn exclusively on a mobile phone. so has now become the mobile cats competition...

to suggest a competition or, indeed, if you fancy judging one yourself drop me an email to the usual address:


there aren't many really. submissions are subject to the usual guidelines found on the submit page. the judge's decisions are final. bribery and corruption are positively encouraged.





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